Instructor Spotlight: Erin Nova

Erin Nova teaches yoga, HIIT, Pilates, water aerobics, aerial training, kids classes, and more. Her favorite class to teach is yoga, infused with elements of dance, martial arts, and Pilates. She’s also a certified personal trainer specializing in balance, flexibility, and women’s fitness.

She has been teaching group classes and offering individual training since 2009, and has worked with Zest since 2019. During her time with Zest, she has taught everything from Mindful Stretching to Yoga to Fitness Bootcamps.

Her diverse teaching background make her classes unique, thoughtfully delivered, and super effective. She truly enjoys teaching group classes, and it shows! Learn more about Erin in this Q&A:

Where are you from, originally?   


How many years have you been teaching group classes?   


3 words to describe your teaching style:  

Intuitive, dynamic, centered

What's the book you most often recommend to students? 

Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, by H. David Coulter

Do you have a teacher or mentor?

Yes, my 7-year-old son

What certifications do you hold and/or which trainings have you completed? 

Personal trainer, yoga instructor, women’s fitness specialist, CPR

What do you most enjoy about leading classes for Zest?  

Cultivating wellness and happiness with people

What do you wish people knew about your class, before they attended?  

I promise you will walk away feeling great!

Why did you decide to become an instructor? 

I love to encourage people to move and take charge of their wellness. 

Is there a silver lining to virtual classes?

I get to spend more time with my son in between.

Where is your happy place?  

Way out in wild nature.

How can we learn more about you?

Check me out on Instagram or YouTube


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