5 Effective Office Yoga Poses To Do at Your Desk

When people think of offices, they imagine sitting at a desk and in front of a computer all day. More and more often, companies are incorporating yoga into their employee wellness programs. Regular yoga routines benefit a person's health. In return, they become more productive, happier workers. Continue reading to learn what office yoga poses you can add to the workplace or your home office. 

The Value of Office Yoga

Yoga in the workplace offers employees more benefits than they realize. One of them is the activity helps relieve stress. Work stress and deadlines can leave workers feeling burnt out, but studies have shown that yoga and regular exercise can decrease stress hormones and promote relaxation.  

Another reason why office yoga is valuable is that it reduces chronic pain. In many office settings, people will sit down for hours on end. As a result, they are likely to experience back pain. Some research suggests that yoga poses work to relieve different types of chronic pain, including back pain. 

Plenty of employees experience anxiety in the workplace. Yoga may be able to lower anxiety levels in workers, and some people reported having fewer symptoms. 

Along with improved concentration, employees will feel more energized to work. There are just some of the reasons why it is worth considering implementing office yoga routines.

5 Office Yoga Poses to Try

1. Upward Salute Pose 

A common pose people use is the upward salute pose (sometimes called mountain pose with overhead arms). The method is simple but highly effective. It helps the body be more flexible, which also improves range of motion in the muscles. With this simple stretch, your body will feel less stiff, and performing this pose can bring positive mood changes and increase energy levels.

For the upward salute pose, all you need to do is find a comfortable cross-legged position or sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the ground -- you can also do this pose while standing, as you see above. While inhaling, raise your arms above your head. Try to touch your hands at the palms. Extend from your hips while keeping your arms straight up. Exhale and drop the shoulders down. Then, hold the position and take five breaths.

You can repeat this process a couple of times as needed. When paired with other poses, even this simple pose can greatly improve your health, focus, and energy.

2. Cactus Arms

The next office yoga pose might look a little funny, but it’s a great stretch, especially if you’re at your desk all day. It is called the cactus arms, and it appears exactly as it sounds. The importance of cactus arms is it strengthens the upper back and shoulders and boosts flexibility. The pose also lengthens chest muscles and can improve breathing. 

If you struggle with slouching or posture in general, then cactus arms may be just the thing.

You can do cactus arms pose by either sitting or standing. Place your legs at hips distance apart, and hold your arms out to the side. Then bend your arms so that the elbows are at 90 degrees. Make sure to keep your chin parallel to the floor.

Next, squeeze your shoulder blades together. You will feel your chest broaden as you do this. Lastly, hold the position for five to ten breaths. You can repeat the process two or three times. Once you get the arm movement down, you can combine it with other poses, like Warrior I or a lunge, as pictured above.

3. Figure 4 Pose

The figure 4 pose can help people improve joint stability and balance. The position  stretches the legs, quadriceps, and ankles and their joints. It can also increase your ability to focus, and help relieve lower back tension. Since we spend so much time sitting, this can lead  to serious lower back pain and lack of mobility… figure 4 can really help.

This pose can be done standing, sitting in a chair, or laying down on the floor. Place your right ankle over your left thigh. Sit back into your hips and make sure the foot is touching the thigh. Many people keep their hands at the center of their chest when doing the figure 4 position. However, you can extend them outward or place them on a desk for balance.

Hold the position for five breaths. Then, change sides and repeat the process. 

4. Chair Pose

Another beneficial yoga position is chair pose. It activates the leg muscles and strengthens the thighs and ankles. It can add stability to your knees and flexibility to your arm and shoulder joints as well. Similar to cactus arms, the chair pose improves posture since it works against the tendency to round the spine. 

When doing this yoga pose, keep your feet flat on the ground and place most of the weight on the heels. You should be able to lift your toes off the ground. Then raise your arms above your head. Afterward, bend your knees and try to get your thighs as parallel to the floor as possible.  

Make sure to move the elbows back toward your ears. As you bring your hips down a little more, there will be a slight bend to your back. Keep your breaths smooth and deep. Hold the position for three full breaths, then reset and try it again. You may find the chair pose to be a little tricky at first, but after doing it for a while, you will build up stamina. 

5. Downward-Facing Dog

This common yoga pose strengthens the arms and stretches your leg muscles, especially your hamstrings. Constant sitting in a chair impedes blood flow in the body. The downward-facing dog can improve circulation, so your brain is getting the oxygen it needs, leaving you alert and rejuvenated. 

The first step is to fold down and bend your knees enough to place your hands shoulder-width apart, with your palms flat on the ground. Then, move your feet backward until your body creates a nice upside-down “v-shape” with your heels either down or slightly up off the ground, feet parallel. Your bum should be the highest point of your body, with both tailbones pointing up to the sky. . Your feet and hands should be far apart from each other. 

Tilt your hips up and lean back as you lengthen the body. The last step is to hold the position for ten slow and thoughtful breaths. The downward-facing dog is a powerful pose that yields great benefits. 

The Benefits of Prioritizing Office Yoga & Wellness

These yoga poses are great to integrate into either your personal home office routine or an office wellness program. With just a small time commitment, you and your team can see huge benefits.

To learn more about how adding office yoga or other wellness activities to your workplace can have huge benefits, contact us today.


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